2 Apr 2010


After losing my memory stick the day before the last day of term, I realised that I hadn't backed up the files on the MAC i had been using, meaning that I had lost all of my files. As i had always used the same computer, the only things left on there were poloroid pictures for my double page spread, and screen shots for my contents page. I then did four hours of constant work on thursday the 31st and another two hours yesterday, and somehow managed to catch up. I managed to re-do my front page and contents page for my preliminary task, but using another picture, as the picture I had originally taken for my preliminary was lost. Then for my main project, I redid the front cover, as the picture luckily was still on the SLR camera. I also redid the contents page, alongside the editors letter, and the double page spread. I don't know how I did it, but now all that needs to be done, is just putting in the main title of 'ON' onto my front cover, which i couldn't do on the MAC i was using as i didn't have permission, meaning that I can complete it either one day in the holidays, or on the first day back.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - well done Grace....what a nightmare! I will be in on Tues 6th April in M26 from 10am if that is any help...
