21 Apr 2010

How did you attract your audience?...

First, i did audience research, in the form of interviewing people and asking questions like 'what is your favourite magazine?' and 'how much you be willing to pay for a monthly music magazine?' by these questions, I could find out the type of content that people wanted in a music magazine, and i have put that in my magazine. Because most of the people interviewed didnt want to see a normal chart star, they preferred rock alternative, so choosing a Gene Simmons look alike was a good choice as he is easily recognisable!

Then for my actual magazine, I have made sure that my front cover looks attractive, and that it would attract the reader's attention. The front cover image is similar to that of Gene Simmons, meaning that people would immediately understand that this was a music magazine, and that this issue contains something about iconic musicians.

Also, the name of the magazine 'ON' is catchy, and sounds on trend, so people hoping to find out things about new bands may be interested. Because it sounds up to date, I'm hoping that will attract a teenage audience, as well as older reader who want to know about recent music.

Also, the black, red and white colour scheme on the front cover continues to the double page, and i believe makes it look a bit punky and would attract a wide audience.

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