17 Mar 2010

double Page spread..

Yesterday in my double I made my double page spread, which involved me putting the poloroid pictures onto the spread, as well as the text and the background colour. I chose a deep red as my background colour, with black text and the boxes in white. My colour scheme matches my blog, as it is all black, red and white. Firstly, I did my layout, with the poll on the left hand side, the text on the left and the pictures on the right. There was a lot of dead space, and after Looking through an issue of MOJO from March 2007, and seeing how they have used all of their space effectively. I changed the layout, which made use of the space well. I am now happy with my layout, as before it looked very flat as all of the font was the same, so I changed the fonts, and the colours, and I am now very happy with it!

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